My illustrations are "thematically changed" for each holiday - because I always strive to be original. I write and illustrate books, publish postcards with my drawings and constantly improve.

I really like good packaging for my products, so I pay special attention to it.
Handmade gingerbread from Mimishka is an original tasty and unforgettable gift!

With love to each gingerbread, your Mimishka!
Hello! My name is Dari, I am the owner of a sweet hand-made business and a registered trademark Mimishka Sweets in Ukraine, currently I make gingerbread in Basel, Switzerland. For all friends and clients - I’m Mimishka!

I am a designer of gingerbread and a craftswoman in the sweet business with seven years of experience, with my own author's style and a special approach to each client. Filigree neat in work and stylish design of each cookie.
About Mimishka
My illustrations
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